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mini moleskine sketch 611 - Troll Adventure vol.2

To be continued...

"Those who have not slept in a troll village do not know what snoring is, and who has not eaten a fish broth in a troll village has no idea how to eat godly."

"Those who have not slept in a troll village do not know what snoring is, and who has not eaten a fish broth in a troll village has no idea how to eat godly."

"If we leave in the morning, I think we will reach the pirate burrow by evening. Stories say that at dusk they have so much rum in them that even a bigger bear can pass by them unnoticed. Don't worry, we'll get your daughter back before you know it."

"If we leave in the morning, I think we will reach the pirate burrow by evening. Stories say that at dusk they have so much rum in them that even a bigger bear can pass by them unnoticed. Don't worry, we'll get your daughter back before you know it."

"It might be better if I slept an hour more, but how to refuse the embrace of a woman who offered you the best mead and selected fish from her pantry. And after such a happy kiss, I could sail the seven seas without closing my eyes."

"It might be better if I slept an hour more, but how to refuse the embrace of a woman who offered you the best mead and selected fish from her pantry. And after such a happy kiss, I could sail the seven seas without closing my eyes."